★ 服务组合 注: 1) 由于受试动物较为脆弱,制备工艺复杂,为防止实验意外,本公司大鼠单抗制备免疫数量一般最少2只, 2) 所有的大鼠单抗制备项目,如果由亲和纯化改为抗原特异性亲和纯化,价格增加500元; 3) 我方对于原真核蛋白从头制备服务,可提供免费的蛋白结构分析与密码子优化服务。 4) 以上价格均为目录报价,实际价格以项目实际为准 ★ 经典案例(Rat Monoclonal AntibodyService)The C-terminally truncated NRG1 type III NTF’ isendoproteolysed by SPPL2a and SPPL2b but not by SPP and SPPL3. HEK293 cells orHEK293 cells stably expressing HA tagged wild-type or catalytically inactive mutants(DA) of SPPL2a, SPPL2b, SPP, or SPPL3 were transiently transfected withN-terminally V5 tagged NRG1 type III (V5-NRG1 type III). Isolated membraneswere subjected to Western blot analysis for protease expression control.Calnexin was used as a loading control. |